Let's Celebrate Spring!
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- By LadyJane
- Posted in celebration, equinox, gathering, lithia park, spring, wizards
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Celebrate the arrival of Spring, Dear Wizards!
Let's all welcome Spring and help to activate and wake up the pollinators for the new season!
Hello Dear Ones of Ashlandia!
We invite you to join us in the lovely tradition of celebrating the first day of each season together. We'll come together on Tuesday, March 19th 2024, where we'll gather at the entrance to Lithia Park and prepare for our Spring Wizard Procession to the Wishing Tree. This is a special celebration that is for those who want to help make a lovely experience for even the very youngest children while celebrating the Spring Equinox, co-hosted by TreeHouse Books, The Secret StoryWorld and ScienceWorks Museum.
Come dressed for the weather as your most magical Spring Selves. Wear your Wizard Capes or Wings and bring Bells and Windchimes.
When dusk arrives, follow Owl & Raven of the Secret World in a procession around the pond with your bells and windchimes. Along the way, we'll see if we can find the Pollinators sleeping in their miniature habitats along the path to the Spring Wishing Tree. We will ring our little bells as we procession to wake them up from their long winter naps!
When we arrive at the end of our procession, it will be time to Charm Speak our Wishes to the Wishing Tree for the new season.
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