Independent Bookstore Day 2023!
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- By LadyJane
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TreeHouse Books is celebrating 45 years in business thanks to all of you who value Independent Bookstores. Thank you so much! Stop by the shop this weekend, April 29th & 30th to enter our drawing to win a TreeHouse Ashlandia Tote of awesomeness! You can also enter to win a $25 Gift Certificate on our facebook and Instagram pages. See the details on our Social Media beginning 4/29/23. Tree House Ashland Oregon.
A little history:
Our family bought TreeHouse Books from former owner Muriel Johnson in April of 2010, and we just finished our 13th year as the current stewards of this special little bookstore. We have had many family members help over the years: Our parents Ruth Ann and Brian, four of our kids (Alena, Brenna, Talen & Mandy), our Uncle Roger, Aunt Ana and cousin Ian, our cousin Jeannine and our good friend Cynthia.
We are thankful for our wonderful staff and for our supportive local and visitor communities.
Here are a few photos from April 2010!
Dirk & Jane
Jane & Mom Ruth Ann
Dad Brian
Uncle Roger
Cynthia & Jeannine
April 2010
Our first Halloween at TreeHouse 2010: Talen, Alena & Brenna
Mandy & Jane 2015
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