A Midsummer Tea Party is Coming to Ashlandia!
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- By LadyJane
- Posted in celebration, fairies, family friendly, lithia park, midsummer, party, summer, tea party
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TreeHouse Books and the Ashlandia FaeryGodmothers of the SecretStoryWorld are hosting their 6th Annual Midsummer Tea Party Saturday, June 22nd, 2024.
Hello Enchanted ones!
Hello Magical Creatures of Ashlandia!
Owl and Raven of TreeHouse Books and Secret StoryWorld invite you, the Magical Creatures and Faery Children of Ashlandia, to a Midsummer Tea Party hosted by the FaeryGodmothers in Lithia Park on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. Join us on the lawn above the Lower Duck Pond for the Midsummer festivities. Bring a picnic blanket, a Tea Set and some treats. The FaeryGodmothers will have organic FlowerFaery Tea to fill your teapots and some treats to share. (Don't worry -unlike the known rule of Faeryland and the cautionary tales of eating their food, it's safe to eat THESE treats while in FaeryLand and Gluten-free options will be available too.)
You can prepare yourself by gathering your finest Faery frocks to wear to the Midsummer Tea Party. Woodland and Magical creatures are also welcome to attend. What about wearing a beautiful and enchanting mask to wear with your wings? TreeHouse Books has some fanciful wings, masks and other costumes for sale in the store that are just right for a tea party in the park!
When you arrive at the entrance to the park, magical helpers will be sharing a Passport to the FaeryWorld of Lithia Park, along with the enchanted activities in the realm. Children will get their passport stamp at each of the activities to claim Tiny Faery Treasures.
This year we are happy to once again host a special performance by the Blanchflower Band. They will lead us in lively faery-worthy merriment and dance throughout our event.
While in FaeryLand, you will:
Meet the 3 Tea Faeries & gather their Tea flower herbs.
Meet the Wishcraft Wand Faery and one of the Mirror Faeries.
Make a wishing feather wand and flower hair wreath.
Join in a promenade around the duck pond led by this year's Summer Queen Bella, who will be presiding over FaeryLand to help enchant the day's proceedings.
At the end of our Tea Party, the young faeries will be activated into their chosen roles and become Real Faery Guardians of Summer.
This is a free family event. Donations will gladly be accepted for ArtNow, the nonprofit organization behind The Secret Storyworld, which is dedicated to a community-based storytelling game of art installations, events, and DIY creativity kits that bring our best stories to life.
Find out more at: SecretStoryWorld.org
TreeHouse Books is a Sponsor of SSW & is the Visible World Portal to the Enchanted Realms.
Magically Yours,
LadyJane ModernFaery (Owl) with the TreeHouse Family of Magicals
Cynthia Ravenwitch (Raven) with the FaeryGodmothers of SecretStoryWorld
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